When you have tremendous conviction on a trade, you have to go for the jugular. It takes courage to be a pig.
Stanley Druckenmiller
Current Account ( % of GDP)
US Balance on Current Account
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Notes & Links
1/17/07 Foreign purchases of long-term U.S. securities totaled $107.4 billion while U.S. purchases of foreign securities totaled $39.1 billion.
1/21/06 America's dark materials Economists have been scrutinising America's current-account deficit for years now, and they are no closer to agreeing on what they are looking at. Now two economists at Harvard doubt whether the deficit even exists. Ricardo Hausmann and Frederico Sturzenegger first put this claim in a working paper released last November.
11/14/05 The United States is having little trouble funding its big current account gap, but the shortfall cannot expand forever , Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said on Monday.
06/17/05 The U.S. current account deficit increased to a record high $195.1 billion in the first quarter of 2005 (This is at an annualized rate of almost $800 billion)
01/12/05 The Commerce Department said the November deficit was up 7.7 percent from an imbalance of $56 billion in October, which had been the previous monthly record. The new record - $60.3 billion.
11/05/04 The dollar floundered as attention reverted to the prospect of another four years of growing US current account and fiscal deficits under the Bush administration
10/13/04 The Financial Time Editorial Page projects the US Current account balance at -9% of GDP in 2009
09/09/04 Stable dollar may mean bigger deficit-Fed's Yellen If the dollar's value remains steady, the record U.S. current account deficit will widen over the long run, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco President Janet Yellen said.